Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Simile Self Identification


Simile Self Identification

Simile n. - a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid 


Ø “Life is like a box of chocolates…you never know what you’re gonna get” – Forest Gump


This purpose of this group exercise is about self-expression and self-awareness building though identifying interesting and meaningful similes about life. In the list below complete as many similes as you can. No one is expected to do all of them but try to be open and creative to do as many as you can. (If you find yourself stuck on any of them or if you feel any do not apply to you then it is okay to skip and move to the next). Again, try to be creative and use your imagination. As a group discuss everyone’s self-identification similes:


My life is like...


My addiction was like…


My recovery is like…


My family is like…


My love life is like…


My anxiety is like…


My moods are like…


My cravings are like…


My home is like…


My pet (dog, cat, etc.) is like…


My children are like…


My job is like…


My days are like…


My weekends are like…


My heart is like…


My head (my mind) is like…


My feelings are like…


My thoughts are like…


My attitude is like…


My past was like…


My future is like…

Process Questions: Congratulations. If you were able to come up with some meaningful self-identification similes that is excellent, as this exercise can be challenging. Now as a group, answer and discuss these follow up questions focused on further self-awareness building:


Ø Which of your own similes that you came up with were the most accurate and meaningful to you?


Ø Overall, when you think about some of the answers you gave, did you tend to be more negative or more positive about yourself and your life?


·       If you said anything negative, what can you specifically do to start to improve in these areas?


·       If you said anything positive discuss how this helps you get through life today.


Ø When you think about where you are in life today…


o  What positive changes are you still working on?


o  What (if anything) do you need to try to reduce or get rid of in your life to take the next positive steps forward?


o  What are some of the strengths, positive qualities and good habits that you have as a person to successfully achieve your future goals?


§  In recovery?


§  In your family and relationships?


§  In life overall?



Ø Now that this is done, what is at least one thing you can take from this exercise to remember to keep on moving forward in a positive direction?




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