Friday, September 21, 2018

Are You Just Doing Time, or Viewing Time Wisely?

One of the greatest resources is time. How a person uses their time is closely linked to his or her level of overall success and happiness. Also, beside just how we use our time we need to consider how we view our time. Almost everyone in this world has some share of responsibilities and obligations that need to be done, regardless of whether or not we want to do them. (All kids who transition to adulthood soon learn that lesson from experience as they get older). Therefore, how we choose to view the things that we need to do, but don’t necessarily want to do, is of utmost importance
If you are reading this now and you are in a substance use treatment program, perhaps you are there because you really want to be, or maybe you are attending just to avoid getting into trouble, or possibly when you break it all down, you are somewhere in between. Regardless of where you want to be right now, in order to get the most out of a group therapy program, the general rule for group therapy is that often you get out of it, what you put into it.
With that in mind, complete the following thoughts for discussion as a group:

How can I contribute to this group in a positive way…?
…With my words? (Or how I choose to speak and share)  

…With my attitude?

…With my personal experience and knowledge?

…By listening to others?

…By being open to learning?

…By being real and honest?

…By being encouraging and helpful to others?

…By being my unique self (What is something about you that was not already mentioned that you can bring to this group?)

Final Thought:
If the time spent in this group is like a river,
won’t you get farther if you don’t swim against the current?



(Group topics made specifically for closing out longer groups such as Intensive Outpatient Programs- GROUP CLOSE OUT IDEAS)

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Systems Check

In the same way that a pilot checks all of the functions and operations of an airplane, it can be very useful to perform a similar systems check on yourself every now and then. Assessing where you are and what tools, skills and supports you have in place at any given period can lower risk factors and prepare you for anything that may unexpectedly come your way, (Again similar to the pilot who does a systems check for safety before taking off in flight)

Complete the following systems check to the best of your ability. Discuss your answers as a group when complete:

___ Associations

Who do you know that you need to stay away from?




Where do you need to stay away from?




What else do you need to avoid in your life if you are going to stay on a positive path?



___ Coping/Support

What are at least two things that you can do if you experience cravings?




What two people can you turn to when you feel like you are struggling or isolating?



___ Motivation and Insight

What is at least one or two things that you need to stay self-aware of in order to make progress?



What are a few things that help you to stay motivated and inspired for success each day?




___ Values

What are a few positive and meaningful things that are most important to you right now?




___ Setbacks/Relapse Prevention

What are three potential signs that you are going in a negative direction or you are at risk?




If you feel like you are possibly headed in the wrong direction, who can you reach out to for help so that you can correct the issue before it is too late?



___ Purpose/Goals

What do you need to stay involved with in your life, because you know it is part of your formula for success?



What are three current meaningful life goals that you know that you need to keep working on?




___ Mental Health/Emotions

What do you need to do in order to effectively manage and prevent stress, frustration, irritation and/or anxiety?



What can you do to try to maintain a sense of inner peace in your life?



What can you do to let go of old anger, grudges and resentment?


What else do you know that you need to do to properly manage your mental health in a positive and effective way?



___ Crisis Planning

What are at least two specific coping strategies that can help you through a crisis?




Who/where can you turn to in a crisis?



Closing Self-Review: When you have completed this systems check, go back through your answers and check the line next to the subheadings for areas which you are doing well in. Put a star in the line for areas where you need to make adjustments. Discuss what you need to do to improve in these areas immediately.