Positive thinking is effective,
impactful and helpful but it’s not always easy especially for people who get
into deeper ruts and darker moods. There may be periods for some of us, when the typical “feel good” thoughts and
inspirational phrases might seem like they just aren’t working for the moment. Sometimes
a change in strategy is needed to get out from under the clouds of darkness
during times like these. A little kickstart of survival talk may be what is
needed. Consider some “Survival Talk” phrases for times like these:
Dark Gratitude: “At least
I am not…. (Name a horrible circumstance that is way worse than your life now)”
One Minute at a Time: “One
day at a time not enough – I’m doing one hour at a time or if that doesn’t work,
one minute...”
Forced Attendance: “As much
as I don’t feel like it, I am going to push myself to get up and show up with
no guarantees what happens from there”
"Good Enough" Mode – “Me not losing it or completely quitting is going to have to be good enough for today.”
Exit Strategy – “I am not
up for this, but I’ll go and if it stinks when I get there then I’m leaving” (The
hope is with this strategy is that once you get yourself there, you will find
the strength to stay)
Courage to Live – “Me just living life at the bare minimum today
is an act of courage”
Obviously, as soon as you can, make sure to try to use your “go to” coping strategies
that you know work. Whether that is breathing, walking, listening to music, praying, reading,
calling a friend or whatever your essential crisis strategies for tough times may
be, stick with what you know works once you get there. Still, if you find yourself needing a kick
start first just to get to the point where you are ready to start trying to cope,
remember some of these Survival Talk phrases that can work for you
Discussion: What is going to be your Survival Talk phrase for the
really tough days?