Friday, September 4, 2020

Stability and Setback Prevention Self-Awareness Checklist

Being self-aware is key when it comes to staying on the right track in order to prevent relapse and setbacks when coping with substance use and coexisting mental health issues. To be truly self-aware, we need to be able to honestly ask and answer questions of ourselves and to objectively assess our true progress, insight and motivation. When we are honest and open our minds, we can learn where we need to make the improvements and adjustments needed to stay on a positive course and avoid going down the wrong path.

Setbacks, Relapse and The COVID Factor

Preventing relapse and setbacks any time is a challenge. The COVID pandemic has changed things a great deal. For this exercise we will call these changes ‘the COVID Factor” There are many challenges due to COVID factor when it comes to staying on the right path with substance use and mental health. However, there are some things that some individuals may find to be easier as well. This exercise is focused on making an honest self-assessment of strengths and areas needing improvement when it comes to preventing relapse and setbacks in progress while taking the COVID factor into consideration.

When considering factors that may impact setbacks and relapse, it is important to review the following:


·         What are your areas of strength?


·         How have you developed these strengths? What is working for you?


Areas needing improvement:


·         What areas do you identify as needing to improve?


·         How has the “COVID factor” contributed to these challenges in your life?


·         What can you start to do in order to improve in these areas?



If inspiration is the fuel that moves us forward, then progress is the mileage we accumulate along the road we travel on. The farther down the road we go, the closer we get to our destination and goal. Even if we go backward after a period of progress, the next time we travel that road moving forward we know the way a little better. Every time we try to move forward, we gain some experience and therefore make progress regardless of whether or not we reach our destination. All movements made in a positive direction are critical aspects of the upward change process.

-      Taking the Escalator 


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