Friday, September 25, 2020

Hello Neighbor

This is a simple interactive group therapy activity that can get people talking and interacting either in person face to face, or via telehealth (virtual). The directions may sound a little confusing at first, but they really are simple:

The counselor/group leader should pick a phrase from the list provided (or else come up with your own phrase). One group member should volunteer to go first. That person should pick a “neighbor” and complete the phrase that was selected by the group leader, with the focus toward their selected neighbor. This pattern should then continue with the person who was selected as neighbor taking the next turn to then pick a new neighbor. Continue this for several rounds until it feels like it is time to pick a new phrase. To clear up confusion, see the example below:

Example: The counselor starts by picking the phrase “I thought it was good when…” and John volunteers to go first. John looks at his group neighbor Leslie and tells her “Leslie, I thought it was good when you admitted to the group that you relapsed last week but you kept coming to group and now you are doing better”. Leslie then picks her neighbor Sam and says “Sam, I thought it was good when you told that story the other day about how you dealt with that angry customer at your job without getting angry yourself” Sam then picks neighbor Jim and so on….When it looks like the phrase “I thought it was good when…” has been maximized, the counselor can switch to another phrase such as “I hope it works out for you…” and then continue – Of course no insults or negativity allowed

What defines a “neighbor” for this activity

If done in person a neighbor is someone else in the group sitting next to you on your left or your right or the person sitting directly across from you

On telehealth (virtual) a neighbor is someone else in one of the boxes (on grid view) to the left, to the right, directly above, or directly below you

Recommended Phrase List

I thought it was good when…

I hope it works out for you….

I am pretty sure that I feel the same way as you about….

Neither of us….

Both of us…

I understood you when…

One thing I can appreciate about you is…

It took courage when you…

In my opinion, one thing you bring to this group is…

If I were in your situation, I would consider…

I remember when you…

If I could make one wish come true for you, I would pick…

When you are done with this program, I hope you remember…




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