Positive Qualities Need
for Positive Perspective Change
in mind that changing your perspective in life is a huge part of growing as a
person. Imagine if you still had the same perspective in life that you did 5 or
10 years ago.- As you have
gained experience and matured as a person, surely your perspective has changed
– hopefully for the better
Qualities for Perspective Change - Self-Assessment:
ü Open Mindedness
ü Positive Associations
ü Humility
ü Empathy
ü Self-Awareness
Directions: Try to be honest
with yourself and check any item below that you need to work on:
– To be able to successfully change your perspective, you need to have an
open mind
am willing to admit when I am wrong
am open to discussing the possibility that I may need to change without getting
am willing to consider viewpoints different than my own
– Negative people can influence you to have a negative view on life whereas
positive people can do the opposite
am actively working on cutting off association with people who have a lot of
negative ideas and negative influence in my life
have positive role models and supports in my life who can provide positive
try to fill my head with positive viewpoints by avoiding negative media
(internet, TV, music, etc.)
Humility – It is important
to be “teachable” and learn from others
can be quiet and listen when I need too without arguing or trying to convince
others why they are wrong about me
consider the reality that I am wrong sometimes and then try to get feedback
from others when needed
can accept criticism without anger
– You
can learn a lot by putting yourself in other people’s shoes
when I don’t agree with someone I try to understand where they are coming from
I make a decision, I stop to think about how that decision may impact others
seek first to understand other people’s views rather than always seeking first
to make sure that they understand mine
Self-Awareness – You can grow by being
honest with yourself about what you need to work on
making difficult decisions instead of being impulsive or taking unneeded risks,
I have the awareness to stop myself first and think things through
can accept uncomfortable information about myself without trying to make excuses
try to apply new information to my own life rather than just thinking that it
doesn’t mean anything to me
What are you going to
try to take away from this exercise?